“I am very appreciative of the personal attention and professional expertise of my SOL therapists. I have a much clearer understanding of the reasons I...Read More
It has long been recommended in the medical community that some older runners stop running due to this belief. Prior studies of the relationship of...Read More
What is TRX Suspension Training? There are a lot of exercise fads out there. Everybody is always jumping on the newest exercise equipment that promises...Read More
How does damage or altered proprioception occur? After an injury, or just not using our bodies can create less stimulation to the proprioceptors. It’s “use...Read More
Have you ever wondered about your ability to sense movement? Your ability to know where you are in space? The unconscious perception of movement and...Read More
We hope that you are enjoying your summer. We wanted to present some useful information to prevent injuries when using the computer. We find that...Read More