
Move Beyond Pain. Move For Life!

Lower Back and Buttock Pain

Five issues that can trigger lower back and buttock pain

Most of us don’t consider just how closely the lower back and buttocks are linked. At least, we don’t until we begin feeling lower back...
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Burning Pain in Shoulder

What can physical therapists do for the burning pain in my shoulder?

A burning pain in your shoulder can definitely make your life difficult. You might have difficulty grabbing a cereal box from a cabinet. Getting dressed...
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How Long for Herniated Disc to Heal Without Surgery

How long can it take for my herniated disc to heal without surgery?

Herniated discs are more likely to occur in your neck or lower back, and most of them heal without surgery in six to eight weeks. ...
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Golfer’s Elbow Symptoms

The five most common golfer’s elbow symptoms

Do you play golf a lot? Do you do lots of repetitive movements of the elbow and wrist at work? If you answered yes to...
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Hip Arthritis Treatment

Should I wait to get hip arthritis treatment?

Osteoarthritis of the hip can be a painful condition that makes walking and other normal daily tasks difficult. This fact is just one reason why...
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Pain in Neck and Shoulder Radiating Down the Arm

How does pain in the neck and shoulder radiating down the arm start?

The answer to this question often varies from person to person. However, it’s no secret what causes pain in the neck and shoulder that radiates...
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